Hercules Coloring Book

Hercules (Greek: Herakles) is a figure from Greek mythology, known as one of the most famous heroes and warriors in mythology. He is the son of Zeus, king of the gods, and Alcumena, a mortal woman.

Lucky Hercules

Another beautiful day, the sun has risen and you can be happy! Hercules is happy, because every day you can find a reason to smile, even when outside....

Hercules fairy tale characters

There are very many people in the world, and some of them we know well, and others we don't. Some are very famous - like Hercules - a...

Hercules rides Pegasus

Have you ever ridden a horse? It's quite a challenge, but also a great adventure. Imagine that your horse, in addition to walking and running, can also fly!....

Brave Hercules catches the criminal

It worked! The criminal caught! Hercules managed to do something good again. This time he caught up with a fleeing criminal and caught him to talk to him, because...

Hercules with his beloved

Oh how beautiful they look together, that's Hercules and his beloved! They enjoy each other's sight and presence because they love each other so much. Surely they would be happy to...

Brave Hercules caught the dragon

Have you ever seen a dragon? It's hard to see, and even harder to catch. Dragons are fast, fly and breathe fire, and yet Hercules managed to catch one....


Hercules ready for action with a shield

Do you recognize this handsome man? It's Hercules, a strong, young and invincible hero who holds in his hand a tool for defense - this...

Muscle-tightening Hercules

See the strong young man in the picture? That's Hercules! He is considered a hero who has tremendous strength. Thanks to his muscles...

Evil fairy tale hero

Gosh, but this gentleman got angry! Something must have upset him a lot, because he has a disgruntled look on his face and all....


  1. Mythical Childhood: Hercules was born as the son of Zeus and Alcumena, but his birth was the result of a deception by Zeus, who misrepresented the time and place of Hercules' birth in order to hide from his wife Hera the fact that he was the child's father.
  2. The Twelve Labors of Hercules: One of the most famous themes in Greek mythology is the Twelve Labors of Hercules. These were tasks that Hercules had to perform as penance for his transgressions. These tasks included defeating mythical monsters, acquiring valuable objects and completing impossible tasks.
  3. Strength and Courage: Hercules was known for his superhuman strength, courage and ability to overcome monsters and adversity. His legendary deeds have become an integral part of Greek mythology.
  4. War hero: Hercules was also a war hero and fought in many battles and conflicts. He was revered for his courage and strategic skills.
  5. Association with Olympia: Hercules was also the founder of the Olympic Games, which were held in Olympia in honor of Zeus.
  6. Marriage and Offspring: Hercules had many marriages and offspring. His many adventures and romances are often described in various myths and legends.
  7. Cultural Heritage: The figure of Hercules has had a profound impact on Greek and Roman culture and remains an important part of mythology, literature, art and other cultural fields for centuries.
  8. Famous Myths: In addition to the Twelve Labors, there are many other myths and stories related to Hercules. One tells of his battle with Hydra, a multi-headed monster, and another of his duel with a Nemean lion whose skin was immune to weapons.
  9. Roman Eviparient: In Roman culture, Hercules was identified with the hero Hercules Musagetes, which influenced his presence in Roman art, architecture and culture.


  1. Name in other languages: In Latin, Hercules is known as "Hercules." It also has equivalents in other languages, such as in Spanish it is "Hércules" and in Italian it is "Ercole."
  2. Hercules Club Symbolism: The club or mace was a characteristic weapon of Hercules. It symbolizes his strength and determination to overcome adversity.
  3. Roman Mythology: Hercules is the equivalent of the mythological Greek hero in Roman mythology. His cult was taken over by the Romans and identified with their god named Hercules.
  4. Herculean Comedies: In ancient Rome, there was a tradition of creating "Herculean comedies," which were a form of parody of myths related to Hercules.
  5. Presence in Art: The figure of Hercules was often depicted in the art and sculpture of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as later historical periods.
  6. Astronomy: In astronomy, there is an asteroid with the number 5143, which was named "5143 Heracles" in honor of the mythological figure.
  7. Pop culture impact: The character of Hercules has influenced literature, film, art and other areas of pop culture. There are movies, TV series, comic books and video games based on his adventures.
  8. Tricks in the movies: In movies and TV series, Hercules is often shown performing amazing stunts and displays of strength, a reference to his superhuman powers.
  9. Inspiration for the names: Many companies, products and places bear the name "Hercules" as a symbol of strength, perseverance or excellence.
  10. Twelve Works as a Symbol: The Twelve Labors of Hercules has not only become part of mythology, but is also used as a metaphor for difficult challenges or unattainable goals.
  11. Occurrence in other mythologies: Elements of Hercules' mythology can also be found in other cultures, where the figure of a similar hero is known, for example, in Norse or Hindu mythology.
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