Rat Coloring Book

Rats are rodents of the mouse family (Muridae) that are found throughout the world. They are known for their ability to adapt to a wide variety of environments and reproduce quickly.

Funny rat

Online Coloring Book Funny Rat
Rats are such little wanderers, very common throughout Poland. They often inhabit river valleys, drainage basins and damp oxbow lakes, as well as cultivated fields and the banks of...

A rat eats cheese

Online coloring book Rat eats cheese
Rats are actually omnivores, but they mostly eat other small animals. However, they enjoy eating leftover food, including yellow cheese. A rat...

Rat with a long tail

Online coloring book Rat with a long tail
And this is a rat and its long tail, which is covered with very fine scales and also rare and short hairs. It is usually slightly pink in color....

The rat stands next to the cheese

Online coloring book A rat stands next to cheese
Do you know what a rat rodent's favorite treat is? Definitely! It's cheese, just like the mouse. But that's not their only...

A rat on two legs from a fairy tale

Online coloring book Rat on two legs from the fairy tale
Have you ever seen an acrobat rat? Or a circus rat? This one in the picture would be perfect for the circus, standing on two legs is already perfectly mastered,...

Baby rat

Online coloring book Rat for kids
Can rats be friendly and sociable? This little rat in the illustration is definitely playful, and it's possible that he would love to play with you....


Online coloring book Realistic rat on grass

Realistic rat on grass

It's rare to see them during the day, much less in a clearing or grass, but these things do happen. As you can see...
Online coloring book Curious rat for kids

A curious rat for children

It looks uninviting, but unfortunately that's how rats are. Not very big, but they can do a lot of damage! From eating up supplies...
Online Coloring Book Simple Rat Picture

A simple picture with a rat

Oh, no! This is one of those pests we find in basements! It looks like a big mouse, but it's...
Online coloring book Little fairy rat

Little fairy rat

It can be found everywhere, and even in a fairy tale! However, fairy tale rats look much cuter than they do in real life. In fact...


  1. Distribution and habitats: Rats are found on every continent except Antarctica. Their ability to adapt to different habitats means that they can be found in cities as well as rural areas, forests, fields and other places.
  2. Reproduction and life cycle: Rats are known for their ability to reproduce quickly. Females can have multiple litters per year, and each litter can contain many young. Their life cycle is short, which contributes to rapid population growth.
  3. Ecological role: Rats play an important ecological role in nature, serving as food for predators and participating in organic decomposition processes.
  4. Threat to human health: Rats can carry diseases, such as plague and leptospirosis, which can transmit to humans. Therefore, controlling rat populations in urban areas is an important aspect of public health.
  5. Diversity of species: There are many species of rats, including those associated with cities, such as the slimy rat, and species that live in nature, such as the field rat.
  6. Senses: Rats have well-developed senses, including smell and hearing. Their senses help them find food and detect danger.
  7. Intelligence: Rats are considered relatively intelligent rodents. In laboratory studies, they have been shown to be capable of learning various tasks and solving problems.
  8. Agricultural damage: In many regions, rats can cause damage to agricultural crops by feeding on crops.
  9. Culture and symbolism: In different cultures, rats can be viewed both positively and negatively. In some mythologies or religions, they have symbolic meanings.
  10. Laboratory tests: Rats are widely used in scientific research, both biomedical and behavioral, because of their similarity to human organisms.


  1. Sociability: Rats are social animals and often live in groups called colonies. These colonies can number from a few to dozens of individuals.
  2. Resistance to poisons: Rats are famous for being resistant to many poisons and toxic substances. They have the ability to adapt to new substances in their diet, which makes eliminating them with poisons can be difficult.
  3. Flexibility in diet: Rats are omnivores and can eat a variety of foods, which helps them survive in different environments.
  4. Instant reproduction: Rats can have offspring as young as a few months old, which contributes to rapid population growth.
  5. Ability to escape: Rats are extremely skillful and can find their way to escape from hard-to-reach places. They have flexible bodies that allow them to get through narrow gaps.
  6. Cleverness and adaptation: Rats are known for their cleverness and ability to adapt to new conditions. They can learn new behaviors quickly, which makes them often used in scientific research.
  7. Nocturnal activity: Most rats are active at night, allowing them to avoid many predators that hunt mainly during the day.
  8. Senses: Rats have a well-developed sense of smell, which helps them detect food and avoid danger. Their hearing and touch are also well developed.
  9. Diversity of species: There are many different species of rats that vary in appearance, behavior and habitat.
  10. History related to people: Rats have played an important role in human history, both as pests and as laboratory animals. Research on rats has contributed to the discovery of much important medical information.
  11. Rats in culture: Rats often appear in literature, movies and art as characters or symbols. Depending on the context, they can symbolize both positive and negative qualities.
  12. Unusual behavior: Rats have been observed in a number of unusual behaviors, such as the ability to learn simple tasks, display empathy toward other individuals of their species, or show intelligence in problematic situations.
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