It is an animated series of American-French production. It tells about adventures of a large number of teddy bears. All the characters of this cartoon were created back in 1981. In this category you will find all the characters of this cartoon. You will be able to paint them online or print and color them with traditional crayons.
Caring Teddy Bears Coloring Book
They live in a house made of clouds and learn new things together all the time. The name does not come from coincidence, but from the fact that teddy bears take care of each other. There are exactly ten teddy bears who are the main characters of this unusual fairy tale. Of course there are many more teddy bears in this animated adventure, but they do not appear in every episode.
As you may have already noticed if you watch this cartoon each bear has a different symbol on his tummy. This symbol signifies their special gift in which they are most familiar with and care about.
The most popular characters in this cartoon are:
Sleeper- is blue in color, his symbol is a blue moon with a yellow star. From the name itself we can guess that this character likes to sleep a lot.
Birthday- He loves the moment when someone has a birthday. As you may have already seen even his symbol on his belly is the cupcake and candle sign.
Merry Heart- She is a girl colored pink. However, her trademark is a colorful rainbow.
Friendly Bear- Another woman in this pack of bears who is orange in color. Her distinguishing mark is two orange flowers.
Sunny Heart- A yellow teddy bear with a cheerful sun on its belly.
Happy Heart- A character who is very happy on his belly has a four-leaf clover symbol. His body is all green in color.
Gderek- An unusual symbol can be found on the belly of this figure and it is a blue cloud from which red hearts fall instead of rain.
Love heart- Another girl from the band of caring teddy bears. She is pink in color, and her symbol is two hearts, one red and the other red.
Tender heart- A unique character in its own right, as it is the only character in this fairy tale to have a brown color and a symbolic red heart that has a pink border.
A kind heart- is the last of the top 10 most popular characters of this cartoon. Her entire body is turquoise and her marker is a falling star with an orange ribbon.