Panther Coloring Book

Panther: It is a large carnivore of the cat family, known mainly for its black or dark coloration. In fact, "panther" does not refer to a specific species, but is a general term used to describe black big cats, such as leopards in Asia and Africa or jaguars in America. Its dark coloration is due to a genetic mutation called melanism. Panthers are excellent hunters, characterized by their strength, agility and ability to leap long distances.

Animal attacks

In the picture we see a black panther, which is just attacking probably some animal. These are very fast and agile cats, from which there is almost no escape. Crouching...

Black Panther mask

The Black Panther was also a model for a superhero. Its agility, speed and all kinds of skills were used to create the character of the Black Panther. The character, who embodied the...

Crouching cat on a log

Leopards can easily climb tall trees. This allows them to hunt their prey from a height. They are less conspicuous there and with greater...

Panther walks in the pasture

Leopards are large and wild cats that live in open spaces, away from people. They sometimes approach villages of people when they are...

Panther descends from a tall tree

Panthers are large wild cats that can and very much enjoy climbing tall trees. They also often drag their prey to such trees and...

Cat prepares to hunt

Such big cats have to provide their own food and hunt for it. In doing so, they must be very quiet so as not to frighten off their potential prey....


Big cat lounges on the beach

Leopards are wild cats that have to hunt other animals to survive. They also like to rest and bask on...

Aggressive panther displays fangs

In the picture we see a very dangerous and aggressive panther that is ready to attack. Moms are watching over their cubs and are...

A cat rests in a meadow

Feral cats are large and are predators. They hunt animals that are smaller than themselves and weaker. They can be found on...

Panther looks menacingly

The black panther is a species of leopard. It has a black coloration, however, in the light you can see that its coat is not...


  1. Definition of: Panther is not a specific species of feline, but a general term used to describe large cats with black or dark coloration. Depending on the region, it can refer to black leopards (Asia and Africa) or black jaguars (America).
  2. Melanism: The dark coloration of the panther is due to a genetic mutation called melanism. This phenomenon causes excessive production of melanin, the pigment responsible for the dark coloration of the skin and fur.
  3. Habitat: Panthers can be found in a variety of environments, from jungles and rainforests to savannas and grassy plains.
  4. Behavior: Panthers are solitary and usually lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They are excellent hunters, using the element of surprise to get close to their prey.
  5. Skills: Panthers are known for their ability to jump long distances and climb trees. Their strong body and long legs allow them to easily lift and move through trees.
  6. Diet: As predators, panthers hunt a variety of animals, such as small mammals, birds, and sometimes even larger prey like antelopes or monkeys.
  7. Reproduction: After a gestation period of about 3-4 months, a panther gives birth to one to five cubs. The panther cubs stay with their mother for two years, learning basic survival skills.
  8. Threats: Although panthers are apex predators, they are threatened by habitat loss, poaching and conflicts with humans.
  9. Significance in culture: The panther is a symbol of strength, mystery and wild nature. It has appeared in many cultures, mythologies and literatures as a majestic and powerful being.
  10. Security: Many environmental activists and organizations are dedicated to protecting panthers and their habitat from destruction and poaching.


  1. Two in one: If you take a closer look at the black panther in the right light, you'll notice that patterns typical of leopard or jaguar hide under the black fur. Melanism doesn't remove them, it just makes them less visible.
  2. Not just black: Although the term "panther" is often associated with the black cat, there is also a rare variety of "white panther." This is the result of another genetic mutation, called leucism.
  3. Powerful leaps: Panthers are capable of jumping up to 6 meters horizontally and 3 meters vertically.
  4. Great climbers: Panthers are among the best climbers among cats. They often rest and hunt in trees.
  5. Variable votes: Panthers can make a variety of sounds, including meows, roars, hisses and growls.
  6. Very off-road: Black leopards, often called panthers, can be found in a variety of environments - from rainforests to savannas to mountainous areas.
  7. The difference in eyes: Black jaguars (black panthers from America) have lighter eyes compared to black leopards, which have deep-set, dark eyes.
  8. Sensory wonders: Panthers, like other big cats, have vibrissae (i.e., long, hard hairs) around their mouths and other parts of their bodies to help them navigate in the dark and while hunting.
  9. Panther cubs: Panther cubs, although usually born with their eyes closed, have surprisingly strong eyesight when they open them. This sight develops and becomes one of their main tools when hunting.
  10. Symbolism in cultures: In many cultures, the panther was a symbol of courage, strength, power, protection and mystery. In Greek mythology, for example, the panther was associated with the deity Dionysus.
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