Scallop Coloring Book

The scallop, also known as the crocodile (Lymnocryptes minimus), is a small, mating water bird in the snipe family. It is known for its secretive lifestyle and the difficulty of spotting it.

Scallop - interesting facts and information

  1. Appearance: A scallop is a small bird with a body length of about 19-21 cm and a body weight of about 50-100 g. It has a short beak (for a snipe) and short legs. Its plumage is brown in color, with dark and light spots that help it camouflage well in the grass.
  2. Sound: During the breeding season, male scallops make a distinctive nasal sound that resembles the buffeting of furs on a harmonica.
  3. Environment: Scallops are water birds that prefer moist areas such as swamps, marshes and wet meadows. They are usually active at night.
  4. Diet: Scallops feed mainly on insects, their larvae and other small aquatic animals.
  5. Disposition: Scallops are widely distributed in swampy areas in Europe, Asia and northern Africa. In Poland, it is a migratory and wintering bird, rarely nesting.
  6. Reproduction: The scallop's nest is a small depression in the ground, lined with vegetation. The female lays 3-4 eggs, which are incubated for about 3 weeks.

Scallops, despite their secretive lifestyle, are a valuable species for birdwatchers because of their unique behavior and difficulty of spotting. Due to loss of natural habitat, scallop populations are declining in many regions.

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