Coloring Book Flatworms

Stingrays are marine fish that have a very flattened body. They have fins that are incredibly wide and that overlap their heads, resulting in a stingray that resembles a giant rhombus. Many species also have a tail that ends in a sharp venom spike. Such stingrays are very dangerous for humans. If you like this fish then start coloring the picture of your choice right now.


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A fairy tale coat

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Flatfish on the ocean floor

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This stingray is very lonely. She is just spending time alone at the bottom of the ocean. Would you like to play with her? Grab your crayons and get to work....

Flatfish at the bottom of the sea

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There are a lot of small elements in this picture. While coloring it be careful to color them all for sure. Get your pencil case ready and start coloring....

Flatfish and small fish

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Do you know how many fish are in the picture? There are four little fish and one stingray. They are just playing together and having a great time. Play...


Flatfish underwater

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The flatfish because of its shape is very eye-catching. After all, a disc-shaped or kite-shaped fish is an unusual sight. It has a gray body...

Flatfish drawing

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The flatfish is a fish with a flat, disc-shaped body. Their body is almost entirely a very strong belly, with broad fins that overlap this fish until...

Flatfish and fish

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How they have a great time together. The little fish sit with their coats on their backs and go on adventures together. Color the friends in the drawing. The coat and the little fish...

Patterned coat

printable stingray coloring book
The flatfish is such an underwater animal that is very flat. This allows it to often hide from predators. Color the stingray, but make sure its unique...


  1. Classification: Flatfishes belong to the subclass Elasmobranchia, of which sharks are also members. They represent several families of cartilaginous fish.
  2. Anatomy: Flatworms have a flattened body structure with expanded pectoral fins that fuse with the head in most species.
  3. Eyes and Nostrils: The eyes of stingrays are located on the upper side of the body, while the nostrils and mouth are on the lower side, allowing them to hunt small bottom-dwelling animals.
  4. Defense mechanism: Some species of stingrays have sharp, venomous spines on their tails as a defense mechanism.
  5. Nutrition: Flatfish are predators. Their diet consists mainly of small fish, crustaceans and other benthic organisms.
  6. Reproduction: Flatfish are oviparous, meaning that their young develop in eggs inside their mother's body and are born as well-developed juvenile fish.
  7. Electroreceptors: Like sharks, stingrays have electroreceptors called Lorenzini ampullae, which allows them to detect the small electric field generated by other organisms, making hunting easier.
  8. Threat: Many stingray species are endangered primarily due to overfishing and destruction of their habitat.
  9. Habitat: Flatfish inhabit a variety of marine habitats - from shallow coastal waters to the deep parts of the oceans.
  10. Human relevance: Flatfish are caught for their meat, and their skin is sometimes used in the manufacture of various items such as belts and covers.


  1. Electric Stingrays: Some species of stingrays, such as electric stingrays, are able to generate a strong electric field, which they use to obtain food and defend themselves from predators.
  2. "Smile" stingray: Because of the position of their eyes and mouths, stingrays have the appearance of smiling, making them one of the most "cute" marine fish.
  3. Ribless: Flatfish, like sharks, have no ribs. Their skeleton consists solely of cartilage, which makes them more flexible.
  4. Teeth: The teeth of stingrays are flat and blunt, ideally suited for crushing crustaceans and other hard organisms.
  5. Longevity: Some species of stingrays can live up to more than 50 years in the wild.
  6. Color variation: Many species of stingrays excel at camouflage, adapting their body color to their surroundings so they can hunt more effectively and hide from predators.
  7. Size: Stingrays can vary greatly in size - from small species with a wingspan of a few tens of centimeters to giant manta rays, whose wingspan can exceed 7 meters.
  8. Swimming method: Flatworms move through the water by "waving" their wings, which resembles the flight of a bird.
  9. Record-breaking births: In 2016, a stingray gave birth to cubs at an Australian aquarium, despite not having had contact with a male for the past nine years. This phenomenon, called parthenogenesis, is rare in the animal world.
  10. Stingray footprint: Often, round, flat "holes" left by stingrays that burrowed into the sand for food or protection can be found on sandy ocean floors.
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