Dororo coloring books

"Dororo" is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka. Originally serialized between 1967 and 1968, Dororo tells the story of a young samurai named Hyakkimaru who embarks on a journey to reclaim his body after it was split into 48 parts by demons.

Dororo - interesting facts and information

  1. Storyline: When Hyakkimaru was an infant, his father, a samurai noble, offered 48 of his son's body parts to demons in exchange for dominance on the battlefield. He was rescued and raised by a doctor who equipped him with prostheses. Hyakkimaru sets out to retrieve his body from the demons, and meets a young orphan, Dororo, on his way.
  2. Adaptations: "Dororo" was adapted into an anime series by Mushi Production studio in 1969. In 2019, MAPPA studio and Tezuka Productions created a new anime adaptation, which has gained great popularity and critical acclaim.
  3. Style and themes: "Dororo" is known for its dark tone and exploration of themes such as human nature, morality, and the effects of war. It also features Tezuka's unique style, which combines influences from both traditional Japanese art and Western comics.
  4. Creator: Osamu Tezuka, creator of "Dororo," is one of the most influential manga creators. Often called the "father of manga," Tezuka is also known for creating works such as "Astro Boy," "Kimba the White Lion" and "Black Coffin."
  5. Reception: "Dororo" is widely regarded as one of Tezuka's most important works. The new 2019 anime adaptation has won positive reviews for its animation, story and characterization of the characters.
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