Kwami coloring books

The Kwami are fictional creatures featured in the popular French animated series "Miraculum: Ladybug and the Black Cat" (original: "Miraculous, les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir"). It is a series created by Thomas Astruc and Jeremy Zag, which premiered in 2015. Kwami are key elements of the powers of the superheroes who appear in the series.

Kwami - trivia and instructions

  1. Origin: Kwami are small, colorful and adorable creatures that come from the magical inner world. Each Kwami represents different animals and has unique abilities.
  2. Superhero partners: Kwami partners with the two main superheroes of the series: Ladybug (Ladybug) and Chat Noir (Black Cat). Kwami help the heroes activate their magical powers when they wear Miraculum, a necklace with a magical object that transforms into their superhero costumes.
  3. Time limit: Kwami have a time limit on their action after activating their powers. After a certain period of time, they must return to Miraculum to regenerate their powers.
  4. Emotions and Relationships with Miraculum: Kwami feed off the emotions of their partners, and strong emotions allow them to act longer outside of Miraculum. Additionally, Kwami have their own relationships and connections with Miraculum, which they represent.
  5. Kwami Names: Each Kwami has a unique name that usually reflects the animal it represents. For example, a Kwami representing a bee is called Tikki, and one representing a cat is called Plagg.
  6. Abilities and personalities: Each Kwami has its own individual abilities that support and complement superhero skills. They also have their own personalities and distinctive traits.
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