Fraggle Rock Coloring Book

Fraggle Rock is a cult TV series that aired from 1983 to 1987.

Fraggle Rock - interesting facts and information

  1. Creator: Fraggle Rock was created by Jim Henson, known as the creator of the Muppets. Henson was a well-known cartoonist, director and producer, and Fraggle Rock was one of his greatest successes.
  2. Underworld: The series shows three groups of creatures that inhabit different parts of the mysterious underworld. The Fraggles live in caves and love to play, the Doozers are small creatures who build structures out of comestible material, and the Gorgs are huge creatures who guard their garden.
  3. Communicating values: Fraggle Rock is known for its educational and moral message. The series explores themes such as friendship, cooperation, tolerance, respect for others, and caring for the environment.
  4. International popularity: Fraggle Rock has gained enormous popularity around the world and has been broadcast in many countries. It has received numerous awards, including four Emmy awards.
  5. Spin-offs: The series has also lived to see several spin-offs, such as "Fraggle Rock: The Animated Series" and "Fraggle Rock: The Movie."
  6. Friendly cast: The series features both actors and animated puppets, which were created by Jim Henson and his team. Experienced actors such as Jerry Nelson, Dave Goelz, Karen Prell, Richard Hunt and Steve Whitmire lent their voices to many of the characters.
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