Cabbage Coloring Book

Cabbage is a vegetable from the cruciferous family (Brassicaceae) that is widely grown and eaten in various countries around the world. It is available in different varieties and plays an important role in many cuisines.

Rotten cabbage

coloring page rotten cabbage
This small cabbage took too long for anyone to care and rotted in the field. If the farmer had harvested it a few days earlier, it would have been very tasty. Be...

Surprised cabbage

printable coloring book surprised cabbage
This cabbage looks very surprised. It started raining a while ago and raindrops are running down its leaves. However, the picture looks a bit gloomy, because...

Cut lettuce in the field

Coloring page of cut lettuce in a field
This lettuce was just cut by someone in the field. It was ripe enough and can now go to the store. Perhaps you are the one who...

Funny cabbage with hands

coloring page funny cabbage with hands
This cabbage is similar to the one you can find in the store. However, it is slightly different from it. Surely you have noticed that this cabbage has...

Unripe cabbage

printable coloring book unripe cabbage
This cabbage is not yet ready to eat, because it is not ripe. If it will still lie in the field for a while and be watered properly, already in...

Leafy cabbage

coloring page leafy cabbage
This cabbage has very spreading leaves. What do you think, are they purple or green in color? In fact, cabbage can be found in both colors. Catch...


coloring book cabbage grows in a field

Cabbage grows in the field

Do you know where we can find cabbage before it hits store shelves? If not, let me give you a hint: cabbage...
Coloring book cabbage prepared for shredding

Cabbage prepared for shredding

This picture is dedicated to our slightly younger colleagues. It depicts delicious and healthy cabbage ready for shredding. No...
coloring book thick cabbage printable

Thick cabbage

Will you tell me in secret what your favorite vegetable is? Let me guess, it is cabbage. If so, color the picture....
coloring page cabbage knob

Cabbage knob

Did you know that vegetables are very healthy? Everyone, especially children, should eat them to have strength and grow...


  • Types of Cabbage: There are many different varieties of cabbage, such as white cabbage, red cabbage, savoy, kale, Italian cabbage (romanesco), Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage and many others. Each variety has a slightly different taste, shape and properties.
  • Nutritional Properties: Cabbage is low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is a particularly good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folic acid, manganese and potassium.
  • Health Benefits: Consuming cabbage can help strengthen the immune system, improve heart health, aid digestion and even prevent certain cancers.
  • Silage: Cabbage can also be subjected to the pickling process, which results in sauerkraut. This process increases the content of vitamin C and beneficial probiotic bacteria, which promote intestinal health.
  • Multicultural Application: Cabbage is used in many cuisines around the world. It is an ingredient in many dishes, such as stuffed cabbage, bigos, salads, soups and stews.
  • Symbolism and Tradition: Cabbage also has its own cultural and historical significance. For example, in some countries, sauerkraut is an important ingredient in traditional Christmas Eve dishes.
  • Edible Leaves: For some varieties, such as savoy cabbage (romanesco) and Brussels sprouts, not only the cabbage heads themselves are edible, but also the leaves and shoots.
  • Fiber and Healthy Diet: Cabbage is also a source of fiber, which helps maintain the proper functioning of the digestive tract and the feeling of satiety.
  • Cultivation History: Cabbage has been cultivated for thousands of years and has a rich history, dating back to ancient times.
  • Seasonal Plant: In many countries, cabbage is a seasonal crop, and its season most often falls in autumn and winter.


  1. Varieties and Colors: Cabbage comes in different varieties with different shapes and colors. You can find white cabbage, red cabbage, green cabbage, savoy cabbage, kale cabbage and many other varieties with distinctive appearance.
  2. Cabbages and Ships: In the old days, cabbage was used on ships as a form of food supply, due to its durability and resistance to spoilage.
  3. Treatment of Fractures: In some cultures, folk beliefs suggest placing a cabbage leaf on a broken bone to speed up the healing process.
  4. Cabbage as a Source of Vitamin C: In the days of exploratory shipping, sailors suffered from scurvy due to a lack of vitamin C. However, one solution was to introduce cabbage into the diet, as it was rich in this vitamin.
  5. Cabbage as Coin: In some cultures, such as Poland, cabbage was used as a form of payment or barter.
  6. Sauerkraut and Vitamin C: In the process of pickling cabbage, vitamin C is preserved, which was a valuable source of this vitamin during the long winter months.
  7. Cabbage in Winter Climate: In climates with harsh winters, cabbage was and is sometimes stored in pantries, cellars or outside, where the low temperatures helped keep it fresh for longer.
  8. Calling Cabbage "Cabbage." In some regions, the word "cabbage" can be used as a colloquial term for money.
  9. Healthy Properties: Cabbage, especially red and kale, is rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and fiber, all of which contribute to health benefits.
  10. Decorative Use: Cabbage leaves, because of their beautiful patterns and colors, are sometimes used for decorative purposes, such as making autumn wreaths.
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