Onion Coloring Book

Onions (Allium cepa) are a popular vegetable belonging to the amaryllis family.

A satisfied onion figure

coloring page happy onion character
This onion in the picture is waving at you. It wants you to paint this picture as nicely as you can. After you paint the picture, you can learn a little about...

Satisfied little onion

Printable coloring book happy little onion for kids
This onion has a good mood. See what cute little legs and hands she has. Paint the picture carefully, you can add her friends, other veggies. Let her be...

Smiling little onion

coloring book smiling little onion
Onion is English for onion. You can see under the likeness of an onion such a word. By painting a picture you can learn a new word in another language. Super thing....

Three ripe onions

Printable coloring book of three ripe onions
Growing onions is very easy and does not require much attention. It is worth planting your own onions in your garden. Mature and young onions are super...

Split onion in half

coloring page split onion in half
Onions make us cry, but they are perfect for almost any dish. While you're painting the picture you can find out from your mom what she uses onions for...?

Weeping onion figure

coloring page weeping onion character
We associate onions with crying. It has such associations that it squeezes tears out of us. But that's not a bad thing. Onions are very healthy and...


Printable large green onions coloring book

Large green onions

Onions are interesting vegetables, they have several layers and taste very sharp. They even affect us, when cutting onions we cry....
Red onion coloring book for kids to print

Red onions for children

The name of the red onion can be misleading, because it is actually purple in color. We already know it from another plant,...
Onion coloring book for kids to print


Onions work in such a way that everyone cries when they cut them. See, this time the onion itself is crying. Could it be that it has taken off its skin....
printable red onion coloring book

Red onions

The onion you see in the picture is a red onion, but you have to paint it to make it so. In fact, red onions are...


  1. Origin and cultivation: Onions are a cultivated vegetable with a long history. Originally native to areas of Central Asia, today it is grown all over the world in a variety of climates.
  2. Types: There are many varieties of onions, differing in shape, color, taste and purpose. There are white, red, yellow and shallot onions.
  3. Composition and nutritional value: Onions contain many nutrients, including vitamins (C, B6), minerals (potassium, copper), fiber and antioxidants.
  4. Culinary use: Onions are an extremely versatile culinary vegetable. It can be used to prepare soups, main dishes, salads, marinades, sauces and many other dishes.
  5. Health benefits: Onions are known for their many health benefits. It contains antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage and support the immune system. In addition, some studies suggest that onions may have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
  6. Onions store for a long time: Due to its natural chemical composition, onions stay fresh for a long time and are a relatively durable product in the pantry.
  7. Onions and tearing: When cutting onions, a tear-inducing substance may be released. This is related to an enzymatic reaction and the release of sulfuric substances. You can try to reduce the tearing by slicing the onion under running water or putting it in the freezer for a while.
  8. Symbolism: The onion is a symbol of many cultures and has various meanings. In some cases, it is considered a symbol of fertility, renewal or protection.
  9. Culinary traditions: Onions are used in many cuisines around the world, being an essential ingredient in many dishes and recipes.
  10. Onions and heart health: Some studies suggest that eating onions can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, which contributes to heart health.


  1. History: Onions were cultivated as early as more than 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. It was prized for its flavor and was also considered a symbol of immortality.
  2. Tearing: When slicing onions, a substance is released that can irritate the eyes and cause tearing. You can try slicing onions under running water or cooling them before slicing to minimize this effect.
  3. Use in folk medicine: Onions were used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. It was also used medicinally for colds and coughs.
  4. Onions as a dye: Onions were used as a natural dye for fabrics, paints and dishes. Red onions were used to add color to fabrics.
  5. Onions as insect repellent: The smell of onions can act as a natural insect repellent. In gardens, onions are often planted alongside other plants to protect them from pests.
  6. Onion rings for the throat: In some regions, people believed that hanging onion rings around the neck could help treat throat infections.
  7. Onion toys: In some countries, especially Mexico, there is a tradition of creating toys and figurines from onions. These artistic pieces often depict figures of people, animals or plants.
  8. Onions in religious symbolism: In some cultures, onions had religious and symbolic significance. In Judaism, onions were one of the items eaten during Passover, and in Hinduism they were sometimes considered a symbol of cosmic evolution.
  9. Onion festival: Onion-related festivals are celebrated in some parts of the world, featuring various foods and dishes prepared with this vegetable.
  10. World records: Onions can be very large! There are world records for the largest onions, which have reached considerable size and weight.
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