Easter Palms Coloring Book

Easter palms are an integral part of Easter. People make such palms of willow, dried or artificial flowers, dried tall grasses and reeds and other beautiful decorations such as colorful bows which are usually tied at the base. On Palm Sunday we take them to church where the priest blesses them.


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Small and Big Easter Palm

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Basilisks as an Easter Palm

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A simple palm tree for Easter

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This time we will have to color a palm tree but as you can see in the picture it is very modest. It is definitely different from the others because the other palms have...

Easter Palms

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In today's picture we have to color as many as three Easter palms, which we will take to church for blessing. Coloring the three palms will not be easy because they have...

Easter Palm

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Easter palms can be purchased ready-made in stores or made by yourself at home from basil, flowers and other accessories that can be easily picked...


  1. The beginning of a tradition: Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, when the townspeople welcomed Him by spreading palm branches before Him. This act was a symbol of respect and honor.
  2. Symbolism: Palm branches are a symbol of victory and triumph. In the Christian context, they symbolize Jesus' victory over death and sin.
  3. Palms in Poland: In Poland, due to the climate, it is difficult to find real palms. Therefore, tradition has replaced them with twigs, usually from willow, which are decorated with flowers, grasses, ribbons and other accessories, creating colorful and impressive compositions.
  4. Diversity: In different regions of Poland, Easter palms differ in appearance, size and manufacturing technique. In some places, real works of art of several meters are created.
  5. Competitions: Competitions for the most beautiful and tallest Easter palm are held in many places in Poland. Especially famous are such competitions in Lipnica Murowana.
  6. Blessing: Palms are traditionally blessed during Mass on Palm Sunday. After the blessing, the faithful take them home and store them, often until the following year.
  7. Year-round behavior: Many people keep blessed palms in their homes as a symbol of protection and blessing. They are often placed behind images of saints or a cross.
  8. Application in agriculture: In some traditions, branches from blessed palms are used to "protect" fields from pests or ensure good weather.
  9. Ecology: Modern environmental movements are encouraging the creation of palms from renewable raw materials and ensuring that their production does not harm the environment.
  10. Global tradition: Although in Poland palms are made from willow, in other countries of the Christian world different plants are used for this purpose, depending on the local climate and availability of raw materials.


  1. Record length: In Poland, especially in Lipnica Murowana, competitions are held for the tallest Easter palm. Record-breaking specimens reach up to a dozen meters in height.
  2. Substitute for palms: In Poland, traditional "palms" are made of willow branches, grasses, dried flowers and ribbons due to the lack of access to real palms in temperate climates.
  3. Palm as talisman: In many Polish homes, Easter palms, preserved throughout the year, serve as talismans meant to protect the house and its inhabitants from evil.
  4. Farm use: In some regions of Poland, it was believed that throwing a piece of the blessed palm tree into a well could provide clean water, and placing it in a field could protect crops from pests.
  5. Gifts for the dead: In some places it is customary to place fragments of blessed palms on the graves of loved ones as a symbol of remembrance and hope for the resurrection.
  6. Fire from palms: Blessed palms from the previous year are often used to light the fire during the holy of holies on Holy Saturday.
  7. Different traditions: In some countries, such as Spain and Italy, real palm branches are used during Palm Sunday, which are not as ornate as Polish ones, but have their own unique tradition.
  8. Palm animals: In some regions of Poland, there is a tradition of creating animal figures, mainly roosters, from grasses and twigs, which become part of Easter palms.
  9. Color symbolism: Ribbons used to decorate palms often have specific symbolism. For example, red can symbolize the blood of Christ, and green can symbolize hope and renewal.
  10. Palms in art: Easter palms are often depicted in Polish folk art, including paintings, sculptures and embroideries, highlighting their important role in culture and tradition.
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