Thanksgiving Coloring Pages

Thanksgiving, also known as Thanksgiving Day, is an important American and Canadian holiday to express gratitude for the harvest, blessings and good things in life.

Happy turkey

Online coloring book Happy turkey
  Here we see a smiling turkey with a cap accompanied by fruits and vegetables used during Thanksgiving. Corn is boiled, pumpkin and apples are made....

Thanksgiving dinner on the table

Online coloring book Thanksgiving dinner on the table
On the table we have all the foods that are eaten on Thanksgiving Day. These include stuffed turkey, corn, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie....

Thanksgiving for children

Thanksgiving online coloring book for kids
  Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck's family along with Goofy are also celebrating Thanksgiving Day. We see that a roast turkey will be served on the table, all the friends...

Apple pie - Thanksgiving

Online coloring book Apple pie - Thanksgiving
  Apple pie is one of the staple dishes on Thanksgiving Day. The apple pie from the graphic is still hot and someone has already managed to cut a slice for themselves. Color the...

Turkey with a fork and knife

Online coloring book Turkey with fork and knife
  The turkey seems to be trying to eat some delicious dish. He is wearing a scarf and holding a fork and knife. His eyes say no...

Turkey with beautiful feathers

Online coloring book Turkey with beautiful feathers
  Every year on Thanksgiving Day, the President of the United States of America pardons one turkey to go free and live safely on a farm. Very possibly,...


Online coloring book Turkey Chef

Turkey Chef

  Chef Mr. Turkey this time prepared us a pumpkin or apple tart. These are obligatory dishes on the day of the feast...
Online coloring book Roast turkey

Roast turkey

  Roast turkey is a traditional dish eaten during Thanksgiving. Very often the turkey is stuffed and served...
Online coloring book Turkey and apple pie

Turkey and Apple Pie

  The turkey and apple pie are undoubtedly some of the most important symbols of American Thanksgiving. In the graphic, we see a turkey that is holding...
Online coloring book Turkey - Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving turkey

  The turkey is one of the symbols of Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States. This holiday falls on the fourth Thursday of November every...
Printable Thanksgiving Coloring Book

Thanksgiving for children

It is a holiday in the United States and Canada called Thanksgiving Day. Often, according to tradition, there must be...


History and background:

  • Thanksgiving has roots in the history of the American colonies. One of the most famous events that started this holiday is the so-called "Thanksgiving". First Supper from 1621, when settlers from Plymouth, Massachusetts, held a communal feast with local Indians to give thanks for a bountiful harvest and for surviving hard times.
  • The official establishment of the holiday took place in the United States under President Abraham Lincoln. In 1863, he declared Thanksgiving a national holiday to be celebrated on Thursday of the last week of November.
  • In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in October and also has to do with agricultural traditions and gratitude for the harvest.

Celebrations and customs:

  • In the United States, Thanksgiving is one of the most important holidays, with celebrations taking place on the fourth Thursday of November. People gather with family and friends to share a hearty holiday meal, including roast turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and what's known as "Thanksgiving". pumpkin pie (pumpkin pie).
  • Many people also engage in charitable activities to help those in need during the holiday season.
  • Traditional decorations include autumn leaves, pumpkins, candles and other nature-related items.
  • Parades and pageants are a common part of the celebration, and many cities hold lavish fire shows.

Significance: Thanksgiving is a time to focus on the values of gratitude and sharing goodness with others. It has both religious significance, related to thanking God for blessings, and cultural significance, celebrating family and community unity.

Cultural impact:

  • Thanksgiving has had a major impact on culture and the arts in the United States, and is often a theme in literature, movies and music.
  • The historical connections between Indians and settlers are also known, which is important for the development of the narrative of the formation of America.


  1. Turkey as a traditional dish: One of the most famous items on the Thanksgiving holiday menu is roast turkey. It is a traditional dish that has its roots in the history of the American colonies. Also legendary is the fact that Benjamin Franklin proposed that the turkey become America's national bird.
  2. March to the guts of the turkey: In the United States, it is a popular tradition to hold a March to the guts of the turkey (Turkey Trot), or outdoor runs and marches, which are usually held on Thanksgiving Day.
  3. Thanksgiving Day Parades: Many cities in the United States hold annual Thanksgiving Day parades. The most famous of these is Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, which has a long history and is famous for its giant inflatable figures and lavish carts.
  4. A rare specimen: In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving Day from the last Thursday in November to the third Thursday to extend the holiday season and encourage shopping. However, the decision was met with controversy and was changed in 1941.
  5. Religious roots: In the early history of the United States, Thanksgiving had deep religious roots, as a way of expressing gratitude to God for harvest and protection. Today, it has a more universal meaning, and is also celebrated by non-believers.
  6. Black Fridays: The day after Thanksgiving Day is known as the Black Friday (Black Friday). This is the day that opens the holiday shopping season, with stores offering numerous promotions and sales.
  7. Influence on popular culture: Thanksgiving is often featured in American movies, TV shows and books. It is also the time when many television programs related to the holiday season begin in the United States.
  8. Regional traditions: Different parts of the United States may have differences in the traditions and foods served during Thanksgiving. This holiday also has its own unique meanings for different communities and ethnic groups.
  9. Acknowledging the services: Many people use the occasion of Thanksgiving to express gratitude to health care workers, firefighters, police officers and others for their sacrifices during difficult situations such as pandemics and natural disasters.
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